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home > product > UHF RFID reader | writer > desktop reader / writer > ZT-STU-6210 |
UHF RFID desktop Reader / writer (Product model: ZT-STU-6210) |
> Read data: it can get the ID number of tag, and also get the data which in the specify area, multi tags reading will be available;
> Write data: can write data in specify tag’s storage area,like EPC,User,Reserve;
> Provide Free SDK,Communicate with controller or PC, that can get the data; support secondary development
> Has USB keyboard outport, get the data whatever the cursor where is.
> easy to operate Demo, with import/export data,continuous write data,auto-generate data.
APPLICATION: > Logistics and warehouse management; > Production line management; > Product security detection; > club management; > library, consumption management; > attendance management.
> Working Frequency: 902~928Mhz or 865~868MHz > Antenna gain: 3dBi circular polarization > Protocol: ISO 18000-6C(ECP C1 GEN2) > Communication port: Left USB to serial port / Right USB to keyboard input > Software & SDK: DEMO and C#, VC, VB, Java, DELPH, ect. > Encryption: Can be directly encrypted, copy prevention > Reading Range: Stable reading 60~80cm > Writing range: Stable writing 0~10cm > Power: USB > Output power: 0~18±1dBm > Working temperature: -20℃~+75℃ > Storage temperature: -45℃~+85℃ > Item size: 142*85*20mm > Package size: 180x120x50mm > Net weight: 200g > Shell material: ABS > Type: UHF RFID Reader/Writer
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