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Beijing time
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home > product > plastic card > U.V.(sun) sensor card |
U.V.(sun) sensor card |
U.V.(sun) sensor card |
U.V.(sun) sensor card |
This kind of cards can quickly and accurately measure the ultraviolet radiation under the sun in 10 seconds, with color to display the current UV intensity degree, intuitively obvious, it can remind you to make a protective measure timely, and use the sunscreen skin care products properly. |
This card is beautifully produced, advertising effect is obvious, it is sunscreen waterproof, durable, etc., as a promotional gift for the cosmetics and tourist attractions and travel services industry ,and have cooperated successfully with a number of units as cosmetics manufacturers, travel companies etc., so that each owner can be noted in the UV radiation of the day and use the skin care products correctly, to achieve better advertising effect, more attentive service will give you access to every shopper's preferred edge. |