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home > product > RFID card | IC card > contactless IC card > EM4200 card |
EM4200 card |
128 bit Read Only Low Frequency Contactless Identification Device (replacing EM4100 , EM4102, EM4005, EM4105) |
General description |
EM4200 is a CMOS integrated circuit intended for use in electronic Read Only RF transponders. It is designed to replace directly the EM Microelectronic-Marin Read Only ICs EM4100/4102 and EM4005/4105.
Comparing to EM4100/4102 and EM4005/4105, the chip provides higher reading range performances and presents on its coil terminals bigger resonant capacitor (210pF and 250pF selectable by mask option).
The 128 bit unique code is stored in laser programmed ROM. Several options are available to use 64, 96 or 128 bits of ROM.
The circuit is powered by an external coil placed in an electromagnetic field and gets its master clock from the same field. By turning on and off the modulation current, the chip will send back the unique code contained in a
factory pre-programmed laser ROM.
Features |
> Fully compatible with EM4100/4102 and EM4005/4105 communication protocols.
> 128 bit laser programmed ROM (64 and 96 bit option available)
> Several options of data rate and data encoding: Manchester, Biphase, PSK and FSK
> Several resonant capacitor integrated on chip (75pF, 210pF or 250pF mask option)
> 100 to 150 kHz frequency range
> On-chip rectifier and voltage limiter
> No external supply buffer capacitor needed
> -40℃ to +85℃ temperature range
> Very low power consumption and High perfor |
Applications |
> Animal Identification according to ISO11785 (FDX-B)
> Waste management standard (BDE)
> Access Control
> Logistics automation
> Anticounterfeiting
> Industrial transponder
EM4200 chip datasheet |
The chip completely compatible with EM4200 is TK4100. The performance of TK4100 is the same as EM4200 chip. As the price of EM4200 is relatively higher, so the TK4100 is used in many projects instead of EM4200 chip. |